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Bring on the Spring!
8 February 2021Podcast Summary
On this week’s episode Sam talks about how her first EVER mentoring session went and how it enabled her to look at the bigger picture, something she hasn’t done in a while!
Simone emphasises the power of mentoring, describing it as ‘you own personal Board’.
If you would like a mentor sign up to coffee break mentoring or the next 12 week mentoring programme on the Power Platform.
NPWLive is happening on 8th March and we want you to take part!
Sign up to early careers carousel networking to get advice or to impart your wisdom.
Don’t forget to send us your NPWLive Talks - a 3-minute video using the theme of choose, challenge or change.
Life Lessons this week are from Gemma McCall, CEO and Co-founder of tech-for-good business, Culture Shift who works to tackle harassment and bullying in the workplace whilst creating positive change in organisational cultures!
Tell us your stories of work and life or share your life lessons!
Presented by Simone Roche and Sam Walker
Find out more about We Are PoWEr here. 💫