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We Are Power Podcast

Travel Gods… come on!

7 June 2021

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Podcast Summary

Simone shares how she got on wild camping in her Campervan with Northern Power Man and the kindness of people rallying around them.

Sam talks about the latest WhatsApp scam going around.

Life Lessons this week are from founder & CEO of Lingotot, Angela Sterling who talks about appearing on Dragon’s Den, rejecting the need to be super corporate and empowering over 50 women to establish their own Lingotot language business.

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Get involved with virtual carousel networking in partnership with BNY Mellon on 30th June - register here.

Tell us your stories of work and life or share your life lessons (with brand new questions!)

Presented by Simone Roche and Sam Walker

Sponsored by Be Heard - register today!

Find out more about We Are PoWEr here. 💫