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We Are Power Podcast

Episode 30: How to outwit a dinosaur boss

3 December 2019

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Podcast Summary

NPW Podcast Episode 30 – How to outwit the dinosaur boss

This month, we were back at the University of Bradford discussing when to say no to requests for advice, how to engage men in the fight for equality and dinosaur bosses and how to avoid them.

The big interview is with Kate Rogers, who is a Senior HR business partner at the University of Bradford

She talks about the power of transferable skills and shares her passion – getting us all talking about the menopause and how it can affect our working lives.

In Ask the Hive, our listener has had a few jobs in quick succession but hates her new position. What should she do?

Plus, all the Northern Power Women news you need.


This epsiode is sponsored by the University of Bradford.

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