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Question, challenge and change
15 June 2020Podcast Summary
Question, challenge and change
Simone and Sam discuss how 12 weeks into lockdown, even as things start to ease, many of us are experiencing issues with our mental health, perhaps for the first time.
Now is the time to realise that things are never going to go “back to normal” and this time of transition brings its own challenges as we let go of old work and life methods and search for new ones.
We pose the question – “What would do differently if you knew then, at the start of lockdown, what we know now?”
There’s news of how the brand new Power Platform can help you widen your network and amplify your voice in the business world and Life Lessons come from the awesome Olive Strachan.
Tell us your stories of work and life, or share your life lessons!
Presented by Simone Roche and Sam Walker
Find out more about We Are PoWEr here. đź’«