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We Are Power Podcast

Failure is a part of success

22 March 2021

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Podcast Summary

Welcome to Season 3 of the podcast supported by the BeHeard Platform: Amplifying voices, unearthing talent and levelling up the media & events. Sign up here
Sam and Simone reflect on the record breaking NPWAwards last week reaching 25 million impressions on social media and rising! If you missed it, you can watch it back here.
The two discuss the caring responsibilities felt predominantly by women over lockdown and what might happen as restrictions lift.
With brand new questions Life Lessons this week are from Ngunan Adamu, producer, presenter, social entrepreneur and founder of iWoman Academy CIC. She speaks about feeling the fear and dispelling accepted 'rules' of business!
We introduce a new High 5 segment to the podcast and ask you to let us know who or what your high 5 of the week is on social media @NorthPowerWomen
Tell us your stories of work and life or share your life lessons with brand new questions... email us

Find out more about We Are PoWEr here. 💫