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We Are Power Podcast

Team Favourites: How To Accelerate Change Together

18 July 2022

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Podcast Summary

As part of our summer look-back, here at Northern Power Women we're each choosing the one episode that has had the most impact on us from the last year of the podcast.  This week Alex Cousins, part of the Liverpool Power Circle, member of Northern Power Women Steering Board has chosen this episode featuring Afiya Amesu

  • My top takeaway was Afiya's top tips on being a good ally. As a white woman you want to support but are sometimes too scared in case you are seen to be taking over the conversation so her tips are invaluable in getting over the fear of upsetting people rather than supporting people."

"Simone Roche MBE chats to Afiya Amesu, future barrister and co-founder of She Leads For Legacy all about the importance of bringing different voices to the table, spotlighting diverse talent and the power of collaboration.   

Listen to learn

  • Why setting short, medium and long term goals enables us to break down barriers
  • How supporting black owned business is a great way to be an ally
  • Why we should all undertake reverse mentoring and unconscious bias training  
  • How important listening is in addressing racial and gender diversity

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