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How To Network Your Way To Professional Success With Georgia Fitzgerald
13 March 2023Podcast Summary
Georgia Fitzgerald networked her way to success. She says you can too.
“So I want to say I'm 'lucky', but the opportunities have been presented to me and I've grabbed them. The reason I shouldn't say lucky is because if I look at my network and my profile that I've built, that's why these opportunities come along. I've always done networking.”
Join Simone Simone Roche MBE where she chats to Director of The Juice Acadmey Georgia Fitzgerald about all things networking and following your career goals.
Listen to learn:
⚡Why networking has critical to career advancement
⚡️How Georgia gained her voluntary and board positions
⚡Why you’re never too young to be a board member
⚡How to listen to your ‘lazy’ side and switch off outside of work
Find Georgia here.
Find out more about The Juice Academy here.
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