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We Are Power Podcast

Inspiring Inclusivity and Advocacy with Dr. Deborah Lawson

18 November 2024

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Podcast Summary

Meet Dr. Deborah Lawson, a powerhouse in disability advocacy. Her story is not just about personal achievements but about fuelling a greater passion for equality, diversity, and inclusion.

Deborah shares the experiences that shaped her path, from battling for accessible housing to helping others navigate a system that can be slow to change. Her stories are a reminder of the everyday courage that pushes society forward, bit by bit.

Deborah’s mission to raise awareness also led her to create Damson’s Friendship Wish, a children’s book that gently teaches kids about acceptance and the beauty of inclusion. 

Listen to learn:
- Why creating inclusive communities benefits us all

- How compassionate leadership can challenge unconscious bias

- The quiet impact of helping others without seeking recognition

- The importance of small acts of kindness 

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