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9 November 2020Podcast Summary
Ooof! This week feels hard, with renewed lockdown in the UK and election unrest in the US. Simone and Sam try and take stock of how far we have come this year and focus on resilience through the next few weeks.
There’s been a new report into how many women’s voices were included in expert analysis of the Covid 19 pandemic and with little surprise, the results are not encouraging. Sam and Simone urge YOU to stand up and Be Heard. Check out for more details!
And as self-care is the order of the day, we also reveal our #selfcaredisasters! What’s yours? Let us know
This week’s Life Lessons come from CEO of the Lonergan Group Louise Lonergan
Tell us your stories of work and life or share your life lessons!
Presented by Simone Roche and Sam Walker
Find out more about We Are PoWEr here. 💫