Our most recently asked questions!


Who can I nominate?

Individual nominees must be from the North, living in the North or working within an organisation based or represented within the Northern Powerhouse regions, North East, North West, North Wales & Yorkshire. Nominated organisations must have operations within the Northern Powerhouse regions, North East, North West, North Wales & Yorkshire.

What do I need to do/know before making a nomination?


  • - Register on the Power Platform
  • - Full name of the nominee
  • - Email address of the nominee
  • - Your reason for nominating them Organisation
  • - Register on the Power Platform
  • - Organisation name
  • - Email address of the person who will respond on behalf of organisation
  • - Your reason for nominating them


  • - Register on the Power Platform
  • - Organisation name
  • - Email address of the person who will respond on behalf of organisation
  • - Your reason for nominating them

Can I nominate myself?

  • Of course, you can! We accept self-nominations and believe in shouting about the amazing things that you are doing.

How long does it take to make a nomination?

  • This all depends on how much information you want to provide about your nominee! You can always save where you are up to to complete at a later date.

Is it free to nominate?

  • Yes, it is completely free to nominate for the Northern Power Women Awards.

Can I nominate a man for a NPW Award?

  • Yes, we accept nominations for all genders for category awards. The Future List (FL) and Power List (PL) are open to those who identify as female. The Advocacy List (AL) is open to those who identify as male. The FL, PL and AL celebrate individuals in a variety of roles and stages of their career.

Can I nominate anonymously?

  • Yes, you can select the tick box on the form and your name won't be shown to your nominee.

Can I nominate for multiple categories?

  • Yes. Please feel free to nominate for multiple categories, including nominations for yourself.

Is there a limit on how many nominations I can submit?

  • There is no limit on nominations, however suspicious or spam-like nominations will be flagged and potentially removed from the nomination process.

Can you advise me on what category to nominate for?

  • We are impartial and cannot advise on category choice for your nomination(s). However, each category has a description to help you understand what the judges are looking for. You can also see past winners here.

Do I get a free ticket to the awards for nominating or being nominated?

  • Nominating someone or being nominated does not entitle you to a free ticket to the awards.

I have been nominated for an award, can you give me information of who nominated me?

  • This will be on the nomination form unless the nominator has selected to remain anonymous, in which case we are unable to share the information.

Do I need to have an email address for a public spotlight nomination?

  • No, you do not need to have an email address. We would prefer if evidence or reason could be provided, for example: articles/links to support your nomination. Nominations.